Sofienberg, Sofienbergkoret, Sofienberg menighet,
kor, sang, musikk, konsert, cd, TV,
gudstjeneste, messe,
jazz, klassisk, negro spiritual,
John Rutter, Gloria
Helge Harila, Margrethe Ek, kirke,
Oddgeir Kjetilstad, Ketil Grøtting,
Oslo Øst, Grünerløkka, Freia,
Rodeløkka, Oslo
Tøyen, Carl Berner, Tertitten,
kvalitet, miljø,
fellesskap, Unge Voksne-kor


Da Sonja leste mailen sin fredag morgen 1. november, fikk hun en overraskelse.
Mailen gjengis nedenfor med tillatelse av (eller etter oppfordring fra) stolt Sonja.
Se hvem som har skrevet mailen!


Dear Ms. Brugman,
Looking through our emails, I am not sure whether my assistant ever replied to your request for information about the Gloria.
If not, I do apologize, though there is not much to tell. My standard biography is on our Collegium webpage, and as for the work itself, it was written in 1974 for a choir in the USA on the occasion of my first visit there. Since then, it has received many thousands of performances world-wide. I think that the music speaks for itself, really, but there is a little more about it in the CD booklet note of my Cambridge Singers recording.
If your performance has not already taken place, I send every good wish for its success.
John Rutter


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